Information from West Berkshire Council: Wellbeing
West Ilsley Parish Council
The following information was provided by West Berkshire Council:
We have created a new webpage for anyone new to West Berkshire so they can hit the ground running and know where to access things they might need. I’ve attached a poster summarising some of the webpage's content. Here is the link to it so you can have a look:
I’ve also attached some information about the “five ways to wellbeing”, which is a bit like ‘five a day’ but for mental wellbeing. In addition, we are currently running a poetry competition, which you are welcome to take part in if you feel like being creative! Send us any poems before the end of August. We are planning on displaying them at Shaw House, West Berkshire Libraries and leisure centres in October.
There is a lot of useful information on our public health webpages about how to stay well –
Contact Information
West Ilsley Parish Council
Find West Ilsley Parish Council
West Ilsley, Newbury, Berkshire